The Parish Council is consulted on all planning applications under consideration within the Parish.
Gloucestershire County Council are responsible for:
Strategic, Regional and Local Planning, Development Control, Enforcement and Monitoring, Ecology, Archaeology, Environmental Planning, Minerals and Waste Planning Policy, Development Co-ordination and Transport Planning.
Other planning applications are dealt with by Cotswold District Council.
They administer the majority of planning functions for their administrative area. These range from determining planning applications for development from minor house extensions to major new housing developments and employment sites, to dealing with listed building consents and tree preservation orders. They are also required to produce Local Development Frameworks (LDF's) for their administrative areas, to guide future development.
The District Council are responsible for holding and maintaining the Statutory Planning Register, which contains details of all planning applications and decisions along with any enforcement notices which have been served, on land within each of their administrative boundaries.
The map below shows all current Cotswold District Council planning applications and by clicking on the pointers you will be taken to their planning portal for further information.
Alternatively visit http://publicaccess.cotswold.gov.uk/online-applications/ You can then enter an application number/address/postcode to view all the associated documents.