Councillor Co-option Policy and Procedure

Grant Policy

Parish Council Grant Policy (adopted 17th March 2020)

Councillor Co-option application and eligibility form

Camera Operating Policy

Statement of Compliance BSCC 12 Guiding Principles

SCC Data Protection Impact Assessment

Social Media Policy (November 2023)

General Privacy Notice - Reviewed March 2024

Risk Assessment & Internal Control Schedule

Reviewed Mar 2024

Snow & Salt Risk Assessment

Reviewed Mar 2024

Community Emergency Plan (reviewed March 2024)

public version

Financial Regulations

Financial Regulations (adopted May 2024)

Publication Scheme

Publication Scheme (reviewed May 2024)

Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedure (reviewed May 2024)

Grant Application Form

Grant Application Form

Councillors Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct from May 2024

Standing Orders

KPC Standing Orders - Reviewed May 2024